cycling a tank


Active Member
ok this may sound dumb, but i cant remember how to go about cycling a tank. i have my 90 reef set up for 4 years now i have forgotten, i have put cycle in it and everything is running, it just has sand in it right now no rock, do i need to add crabs or food to rot or what...thanks, and sorry i have to ask again


Active Member
There is a number of different ways but the more common method is to throw a couple of raw shrimp tails in to start the cycle.


Throw in one or two raw (uncooked) shrimp.
Wait a few days for the shrimp(s) to decompose.
Test for Ammonia levels.
Once you show any sort of reading for ammonia take out the shrimps and discard them.
Allow the Ammonia to get to 0 then your Nitrites to get to 0 and then do a water change to get the Nitrates down and you are done.