Cycling Again?


New Member
55 gal. has been set up for 10 months now and all was fine until I add 15lbs. of live rock. Amonnia and nitrates have shot through the roof. Is my tank going through another cycle? If so how can I keep from losing my fish.
55 gal
30lbs. lr
2 percula clowns
1 coral beauty
Did you add all of the l/r at once? That may be the cause of the huge spike. I'm not sure what the total lbs. per day is but maybe the next person would tell you.
Try to add a little at a time and you would have minimal spikes.

silent bob

was the lr cured or uncured, uncured will send the amonia and the nitrates through the roof, it turns my amonia tester black after two days, but uncured lr is mor desirable for the inverts that come with it, cured lr shouldn't do that, but if it has black or brown syuff pick it off before you put it in tank, it's dead coral and sponges.