Cycling and Testing


New Member
I have a 125 g with LR and LS that has been cycling for 3 weeks now. Within 3 days of set up the ammonia spiked at 2.5. 1 week in the ammonia dropped to .25. My current readings are:
temp 75 F
SG 1.024
Alk Normal
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .05
Nitrate 10
I've tested just about every day and these #s haven't changed in 2 weeks. I have the Red Sea Test Kit right now. Went out and bought the Salifert for Ammonia today and that test shows zero.
So should I just wait another week and then bring a water sample to the LFS? Do I bring a sample in this weekend to the LFS? Should I just wait? I know, patience. I'm just concerned I'm not testing right (those colors are so close in some of those tests!) :help:


Active Member
I never do my own testing, I always take it to my friend who is the Aquarist at a LFS. I have it tested at least once a day...


Originally Posted by bigeyefish
I have a 125 g with LR and LS that has been cycling for 3 weeks now. Within 3 days of set up the ammonia spiked at 2.5. 1 week in the ammonia dropped to .25. My current readings are:
temp 75 F
SG 1.024
Alk Normal
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .05
Nitrate 10
I've tested just about every day and these #s haven't changed in 2 weeks. I have the Red Sea Test Kit right now. Went out and bought the Salifert for Ammonia today and that test shows zero.
So should I just wait another week and then bring a water sample to the LFS? Do I bring a sample in this weekend to the LFS? Should I just wait? I know, patience. I'm just concerned I'm not testing right (those colors are so close in some of those tests!) :help:
I know the colors on the charts can be a little difficult to decipher sometimes. I am not sure what you are asking here. You can always have your water double checked at the lfs.


Active Member
The tests can be difficult in discerning the right colors. I would use the test vials, do your tests and have a friend look at the colors to see what he or she sees. If in doubt have the most reliable fish store near you check the tests until you get a idea of what the colors should be. I personnally, would cycle the tank for at least 4-6 wks. If the lfs says the tank is good now, I would only add clean-up crews until the full 6 wks is up. Like you said, patience is key here.


New Member
Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm not sure if I have any more confidence in the LFS than I do myself, so I better just sit tight for now.


Active Member
That's a good idea!! I have a 125, used cured rock and live sand also. Mine took a good full 4-6 wks to fully cure. Use this time to figure out what fish to put in it. You really can't rush a saltwater tank. Nothing like freshwater---add water, then the fish. We could only wish!!! :thinking: :happyfish