Cycling Aquapod!


The aquapod with rock in the process of curing.

The whole thing. Custom stand. I know the doors are crooked i have to fix them. I built the whole stand myself from scratch with no plans.

Leave comments on what you think.


I know the doors are crooked i have to fix them. I built the whole stand myself from scratch with no plans.
Wouldn't have likely noticed, as a matter of fact I didn't, unti you said something. Nice stand, good luck with your tank.


Just noticed something else. The power cord on the left of the picture appears to be straight to the source. I was told you should have a small dip/loop at the bottom and then have the cord going back up to the wall plug in case any water drips down the cord. That way it doen't get right to the outlet and cause you any grief. I noticed there is an outlet to the right. If that one wrokd you may want to switch to it so you can have that loop - the cord looks like it might be long enough.
Keep pics coming of the tank as you move forward.


Looks like your off to a great start!!! You did a nice build on your stand. Congratulations!!! you should be proud!!


the cord is supposed to have a drip loop in it. i still have to get a new powerstrip. im going to get one thast has GFI outlets and then im going to hang it on the back of the stand so that the cord has a drip loop.


Active Member
Looks really nice. I would add this for caution though; remove the glass thermometer from inside. It's an accident waiting to happen. Ask anyone on here how hard it is to get the glass shards cleaned up out of the sand. Hope that helps.
Got a fish wish list yet?


i do have some fish. i actually had this tank in my bedroom, but i didnt like the way it was set up and i wanted to move it into my basement. so i put the fish and i only have one coral back into my old tank, and i have the light on that. i have a hammer coral, 2 clowns, 1 lawnmower blenny, and a manderin. i would like to get a royal gramma and a coral beauty angelfish.
any suggestions for corals anyone?


nice paneling, i have the same kind in my family although i didn't use it when i build my fishtank stand


Active Member
Originally Posted by fordguy67
i do have some fish. i actually had this tank in my bedroom, but i didnt like the way it was set up and i wanted to move it into my basement. so i put the fish and i only have one coral back into my old tank, and i have the light on that. i have a hammer coral, 2 clowns, 1 lawnmower blenny, and a manderin. i would like to get a royal gramma and a coral beauty angelfish.
any suggestions for corals anyone?
not flaming ya, but that mandarin will DIE in that tank. They need upwards of 100 lbs. of live rock to substain the amount of LIVE pods that is the food source for the mandarin.

tx reef

Active Member
Looks great.
Ditto on the mandarin. Not a good idea for that size tank, unless you are one of the lucky few that find one that eats mysis.


how long do they usually last without 100 pounds of rock. cuz i have had him for a good 6 or 8 months and he seems to be doing fine. (KNOK ON WOOD!!)