Cycling/Curing Live Rock - Is This Possible?


I got a shipment of live rock earlier last week and I put it in my new tank to cure it/cycle my tank. This live rock is advertised as "pre-cured" although obviously I need to cure it again due to die-off during the shipping process. I didn't test the water until 4 days after, and to my surprise, ammonia and nitrites were both at 0. Nitrates tested out at below 10. It has been a week since then and I've tested it several times with a few different test kits and I keep getting the same results: ammonia and trites at 0. I have ghost-fed my tank a couple times and have even dropped in a frozen cube of squid (my fish won't touch the stuff) to jump start the cycle but ammonia is still undetectable. Is it possible that my tank completely cycled within the first 4 days? I've read about it happening, although I assume that it could only happen with already-cured live rock. I've also read that it is safe to add fish once the levels are stable for a week.
Should I do a water change and transfer my clownfish?
Keep in mind that this isn't my first tank. I'm still a newb, although I've kept a successful nano tank for 8 months.
My last test results:
SG - 1.025
Temp - 78F
pH - 8.0
Amm - 0
Trites - 0
Trates - <10
Alk - 2.5 mEq/L
Oh, and one more thing: I've read that live rock will stink during the curing process. I haven't noticed mine stinking yet, even with I pick it up and smell it directly.


I would wait another week or two. just to be safe. it seems odd that your tank is cycled in just a couple of days.
p.s. i dont think live rock stinks at all during the cycling process.
the only way i could see it smelling is if you microwaved it before you stuck it in the tank


live rock that is not cured stinks. cured LR smells like your water. I would give it another week or two.


Active Member
The rock may not have had much die-off, and that's why it doesn't smell. It looks like the rock was pretty healthy, and you aren't going to see much of a cycle.
I'd give it a few more days just to be sure before adding anything; and when you do, only add one or two fish so you don't increase the bioload too much and start a new cycle.