Cycling Damsels???


New Member
Most of us have had to face the ethical question in saltwater fish keeping, cycling with damsels? I know more than a handful of people in the hobby who would say there good for nothing else, just wanted to know what you think.....


Active Member
I cycled my first setup with damsels, but all of the setups sence were done with LR and or something already dead.
I tried to vote, but it won't let me. A message comes up and says my session appears to be invalid.
Oh well.
Yes, I cycled with damsels. I have only done it once, as the tank I have is my first. I cycled with 2 yellow tail blue damsels and 2 domino damsels. I still have the yellow tails, but had to get rid of the dominos. The experience of getting the dominos out is still burned in my memory, even after 5 yrs.


Active Member
im using damsels now to cycle my tank, once im done using them to cycle, they will be eel/lion fish food :)


I've used damsels to cycle both of my tanks, but I have never losed one in my efforts. All the damsels are now permant residents in the larger tank (thanks to my wife).


I've used damsels to cycle both of my tanks, but I have never losed one in my efforts. All the damsels are now permant residents in the larger tank (thanks to my wife).

sinner's girl

we've cycled with them before we (i) knew better....i think it's use a fish like that. now if the person plans on keeping them that one thing...but it's cheaper and more humane imo use shrimp, lr, or ls or a combo. we work so hard to keep our fish healthy and alive, what example are we setting when we start off by cycling with a fish? true they don't always die, but some do, and people want them to die...i for one get attached to the fish...and hate to see any fish/invert suffer or die. just my 2 cents
i am with slothy on that except i can't get my damn lion fish(simba) to eat the dam damsel(P.O.S.). he ate my orange clownfish but won't eat my damsel. hopefully my stars and stripes puffer(P.Diddy) will get his eat on on the damsel soon.


I cycled my tank with damsels. They were fine and lived for almost a year in my tank. When we moved we donated them to a LFS. Told them to give them to a good home.


Here in lies the difference between agressive fish keepers and community fish keepers. lol. I could not watch one of my "pets" albeit a damsel get eaten alive by another fish. Happens in the ocean all da time. Just not my idea of "entertaining".
Why use a living creature to do what you can simulate with other sources? Damsels may be hardy, but poison is poison and can't be pleasant. As far as using them for fish food... well, like I said... if you can do it...


If your lion fish is choosy, try a frog fish or a grouper. I'd do that before removing lots of live rock, or stressing lots of other fish trying to catch them.
My first two tanks I cycled with damsels borrowed from a friend's 170 gallon. I keep a very close eye on all my fish and know when something is wrong or they are severely stressed. Frankly, I had no problems. A few weeks later, got out the nets, 5 mins later, have damsels, back to my friend's tank. Happily they are all still alive and kicking and ruling the 170.
Damsel catching 101 - get a few glass pickle jars (please take label off) and leave in water for a few days, trust me, they will start using these for hiding places, just scoop them up first thing in the morning before they get their fins going.


Thanks for the tip. Those suckers are fast. I will try it the next time I need to catch one of my smaller fish.
Using damsels to cycle a tank and then either killing them or converting them to food is a little too cruel for my taste. Why not simply give them back to a LFS? Chances are, they may even give you a credit for them and if so, you can purchase other fish.


Active Member
true, but its all part of the food chain... i gota admit though the 3 damsels i have in my tank now are funny to watch.. i can clean tank all day long they swim nothing going on, minute i throw a net, they become a blur lol and into hiding.. neat fish but not worth trying to catch for 2-3 bucks a fish for credit..


IMO if you "give them back" or trade them in to a LFS -- they will just continue being used for cycling. This is not how *I* want to treat my fellow creatures - no matter what they are.
Using them for food -- no opinion s'long as it's not causing long-suffering for entertainment.
This is my opinion - only an opinion and personal belief. No flames here. I used damsels too, cause I didn't know any better. Gave them to an lfs that *did* put them in a show tank they maintain at a pre-school. I got lucky.
Catching them was indeed a bear.


I have damsels in my tank because I am such a sucker for animals. I work at a pet store and this guy brought in three damsels in a paper cup. he said he drove for 45 minutes cause he didnt feel right about flushing them after the cycle and we were the closest store that sold saltwater. I asked him what he was going to do if we wouldnt take them and he said that was his problem. so I now have two chromis and a yellow tail happily living in my 75. im planning on adding three more chromis so that they will school. definately cool fish and I would never want to cycle a tank with them. I love my fish and would never want to subject them to cycling, even if there was a good chance they would survive. I did cycle my first tank (20 gal) with damsels because I didnt know better... I lost a domino, a blue devil and a humbug. not the best way to give someone a confident start to this hobby... :(