cycling live rock


i purchased 45 lbs of LR to put in a 55. I was told to cure it again since some of the crtitters would die and create ammonia. I tested the water after 4 days and the ammonia was 5.0. After 1 water change the ammonia level has dropped very close to 0. Is is safe to start adding some pieces in there, or is it so early. All i have are some damsels and a tomato clownfish. The directions said to cure the LR for 1-3 weeks, so i really don't know what i should do....
Thanks for the advice


If the bacteria and critters that died are stilll on/in the rock decaying then your ammonia levels could rise again. I would wait a little more and keep testing. I know it is hard to wait, I am in the same boat. I really want to add but I want to keep testing a few more days since I can't afford to waste my money.


First pull the rock out and smell it, if it smells nasty scrub the heck out of it and smell it again... if it still smells DO NOT ADD fish, it is still going to add ammonia... usually scrubbing gets off the sponges and other stuff that is dieing on the rock off....

ed r

You need to be testing for both ammonia and nitrite. Both need to be zero and stay there a few days before it is safe. The nitrite peak and fall usually lags behind the ammonia by several days. You could have ammonia at zero and still have leathal levels of nitrite.