Cycling my new tank


I have a 90 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump.
A 5 inch DSB in the sump and 10 pounds of LR.
the Main tank has 2 inches of crushed coral.
My qeustion is how many fish should I be adding to get the cycling proces underway.
I added 2 green chromis last night and they ar eating and doing well this morning. Should I add mor to make a shoal of 6 or so? or should I just stick it out with the two of them?


Active Member
you shloud not add any fish until after the cycel is complete, apiece or 2 of table shrimp will do the job, and is much more humane
are you adding any lr to your main tank?, this will also help the cycle(and even afffect the cycle time)
so do not add anymore fish til after the cycle is complete, then if you want, add more chromi, they are a fairly hearty fish, but have a lower success rate for move, they have a more likely chane of dying in the process of moving frome the breeder to the lfs to your tank than anything, but i still would not use them to cycle
and be very careful o f quickie methods, they are not quite all they are cracked up to be in my opinion, nothing happens fast here, at least not good, there are no good short cuts(not yet )


Active Member
i am just assuming, from your question that you are fairly new to the hobby, so

it is a great hobby and addiction