cycling my tank


Hi everyone, I am new at this so bare with me. We are just getting started with a saltwater tank, and we have started out witrh some live rock that was cured. When checking the amonia levels they are at 0. My husband read that we should add some raw shimp to our tank to help it cycle. Is this correct, and what other wasys are there to halp cycle the tank?


Active Member
Depends if the rock was also cycled....If you got the rock at a LFS then many of them have their rock long enough and feed it so that it has enough bacteria to filter a bioload....ask them or test by adding food as if you had some fish and test to see if ammonia rises over about a week...or you could just add shrimp as a heavy bioload but then you would have to wait for the whole cycle to finish all over again.


Clown Boy gave me a link in my thread to a thread that tells how to cycle your tank. He also told me to add raw shrimp as well. Good luck!