Well first of all you should always cycle IMO. It is to build up your beneficial bacteria, not whether you will have an ammonia spike. I think you should give it some time although it will probably be a short cycle. You need to biuld up your beneficial bacteria. If you bought fish and they pooped it would produce ammonia. Over time, without the necesary bacteria colonies, your ammonia would get higher an higher, but your bacteria colonies would also grow due to the large amount of fish waste, but why take the chance of killing an expensive fish because you would not have the necessary amount of nitrifying bacteria. All I'm saying is, thrwo something in like a piece of raw shrimp to kickstart the cycle, and skip on the fish until you know that you have the right amount of bacteria. The reason why it hasn't started cycling is because you put cured lr in. Only uncured will start the cycle. If you put a fish in now and it pooped there would be no bacteria to convert the ammonia, and your ammonia would reach high levels. Just wait on the fish until your sure.