Cycling new 144 bow and confused!


I am a little confused. I put my live sand in 100lbs, new. I added 100lbs of live rock from my 75 and 45lbs from lfs. all rock was cured. its been 7 days and all levels are zero. What is up-is this not going to cycle or has it already?


Active Member
Maybe you need to give it a bit more time?? It's only been 7 days for your new tank, can't expect it to cycle right away. If your rocks are cured and you put in live sand, let it sit for a few months it should be fine, it shouldn't take too long to cycle. good luck...


I assume its a new filter aswell? if you had a large enough filter on ur 75 and u are using it now, thenyou won't need to cycle


Active Member
It cycled early in your 75, but it may take a bit longer on your 144 bow. Just give it some time. :)


Active Member
You don't need to cycle tanks over 125gals..
There is so much water volume you won't get a spike.
Don't worry about...But don't stock too fast either...
It's just one more benefeit of a big tank...
Good Luck.


that is the first i heard of this can u be more specific?. I am not new have had 24gal to 55gal to 75. i wont see a spike because of volume?


Active Member
because it's measureing in PPM.
So lets say for arguments sake that you have an amonia reading of 1 ppm and lets say you have 100 million parts in your 75 gallon...So that's 1 part of amonia per million parts of water.
Now lets say in your 150 you have double the volumes so now you have 200million...that same 1 ppm would only be .5ppm..So that'd be only .5 part per million parts of water...undetectable..
So that's the Same amount of amonia you had in your 75 gallon...that is why you can add fish..
You have the bacteria and amonia...but it's not at a concentraion enough for a reading...
So if you through fish in there..the amount of bacteria, Nitirites and nitrates exist, but not at a level you can read...
There is a cycle going on but it's at a undetectable rate due to volume..
Think of it as being diliuted...


Well first of all you should always cycle IMO. It is to build up your beneficial bacteria, not whether you will have an ammonia spike. I think you should give it some time although it will probably be a short cycle. You need to biuld up your beneficial bacteria. If you bought fish and they pooped it would produce ammonia. Over time, without the necesary bacteria colonies, your ammonia would get higher an higher, but your bacteria colonies would also grow due to the large amount of fish waste, but why take the chance of killing an expensive fish because you would not have the necessary amount of nitrifying bacteria. All I'm saying is, thrwo something in like a piece of raw shrimp to kickstart the cycle, and skip on the fish until you know that you have the right amount of bacteria. The reason why it hasn't started cycling is because you put cured lr in. Only uncured will start the cycle. If you put a fish in now and it pooped there would be no bacteria to convert the ammonia, and your ammonia would reach high levels. Just wait on the fish until your sure.


Active Member
You are correct to a point.. The Cured LR, and the 100lbs of Live Sand which has this bacteria you speak of already..
You would be correct *IF* he used new Playsand and brand new Base rock.
BUT since he is using stuff from his old tank, he has the bacteria base to add fish..
Get it?
But if he doesn't add fish soon (or an amonia source), the bacteria will die due to no food.... and break his cycle...


Couldn't you just add some fish food to test it? If the tank "processes" the food without causing a spike, it's probably good to go...


LOL you've got me there sw, I've only got small tanks. But I am basically in agreement with you. I think if you add enough of a biological filter you can have the same experience in a smaller tank as well. When I wasn't certain whether one of my tanks was cycled, I added a half a cocktail shrimp. I could literally see the pods swarming all over it and they had it consumed in 3 days. 0 ammonia, 0 nitirites, trace nitrates. Cycle complete.


Active Member
If you use cured live rock and live sand when starting a new tank of any size it is possible that you will not see a spike. All is depending on bio-load and how fast it is increased.
In all cases...if you increase your bioload too fast you risk a spike regardless of the size of the system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
If you use cured live rock and live sand when starting a new tank of any size it is possible that you will not see a spike. All is depending on bio-load and how fast it is increased.
In all cases...if you increase your bioload too fast you risk a spike regardless of the size of the system.
Finally somone with a big tank who knows what i'm saying!