Cycling new tank with LR (& hitchkikers?!)


1) Picked up 35lbs LR from the LFS last week and am using it to cycle a new 90gal. LR was in SW for the 15 min trip home; I rinsed it in clean SW and brushed it with my hands to before putting it in the DT, but there is still a lot of sand and other loose particles on the surface of the LR as well as bunches of a dark burgundy plant and patches of something that is a bright coral color. Should I brush the rock to remove some of this stuff and then vacuum the tank bottom (I haven't added sand yet)?
2) Learned about Aiptasia and have been eliminating them as they are found with Aiptasia Control. However, now that I've aquascaped it seems like I discover more each day, and they are in crevices that are nearly impossible to reach. Any suggestions??
3) Was given some coral skeletons by the previous tank owner and since I plan on a FOWLR tank I thought they added some interesting shape and texture to my aquascape. However, now that the pieces are in the water there is something clearly stuck to the ends of the branches. Should I take the coral out and boil it, scrub it, etc to get whatever it is off??
4) Found this guy on the glass last night... Is it a stomatella snail?



Does anyone have an idea regarding what came home with me on the LR? Or what the fuzzy white stuff on the coral skeleton is? Thanks for your reply!!


Thanks for the reply! I will take out the coral skeleton and boil it today. Should I do a little more agressive scrubbing of my LR too?
As far as the slug/snail... I only see him at night when all the lights are off, and when I turn the lights on to see him better he moves really fast and gets under a piece of LR. It's hard to say if there is a shell; the top of his body looks like the sandy litter on the bottom of the tank. He is about 1 1/2", but he can stretch out quite a bit when he is moving. Here is another picture of him... I don't have any fish yet b/c the tank is still cycling, but if this guy is something I don't want, I'd like to get him out now. :)


Active Member
looks like a sea hare-great algea eaters, but if you are just cycleing, it may not make it. Take it to you lfs for credit

florida joe

Well-Known Member
If he is nocturnal I am gong with stomatella snail but in any event as stated he will not survive an ammonia spike


TeresaQ - thanks for pointing me in the right direction for identification of my critter(s). It is indeed a sea hare, Dolabella auricularia to be precise, and last night I saw 3 of them in my tank! I don't know what they are eating since there isn't much in there yet, just the local Hawaiian LR they hitch-hiked in on (lol), but I'm assuming that they will be good CUC team members?