Cycling - Now What?


I added 46 lbs. of LR to my 46 BF last saturday. I added two shrimp on Sunday. This evening the readings are:
Temp. 78
SG - 1.024
PH. 7.7 (no sand yet)
Ammonia - 1.0
Nitrite - 2.0
Nitrate - 2.5
Since the ammonia is at 1.0, I've removed the shrimp (Yech...). Now What?
Do I need to make water changes? If so, how much and how often?
How often do I need to test the water? (BTW - using R/O water).


test at least every other day and dont do a water change for a while. u want to keep amonia and nitrate in ur tank to build up the bacteria that break them down, once there gone do water changes to remove the final byproduct nitrite



Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
test at least every other day and dont do a water change for a while. u want to keep amonia and nitrate in ur tank to build up the bacteria that break them down, once there gone do water changes to remove the final byproduct nitrite

Reverse Nitrite and nitrate above. Cycle goes Ammonia->nitrite->nitrate.