Cycling process


Hello, all
Well finally, my LR/LS has arrive and last nite I set my tank up. Now Im new at this and as you no I can use all the help I can get. So, let start, the first ? is now that the tank is running how long does it take for the water to clear up?, Can I use something like a water clear up mixture?, I have a 55 gal tank with 40 LB of LS and 45 LB of LR, I no I will have to increase both of them. My Question is how much salt mix should I have used to 35 gals of water?My protine skimmer is not on during cycling, however when it time to turn it on should the cup be above water(the whole cup) or just the top. I will add 10 to 15 more LBs of LR to my tank, will I have to do a cycle for that as well? Ok that it for now, I have many more question to ask all of you (Pro's ), so please help me become great like some of you. Thank You!!!!!!!!!


I wouldnt add anything to clear the water up. It will be a little cloudy until your tank gets established. Your LR/LS should help. Mine I just added charcol to my filter and it cleared it up in just a few days. On the salt mix there is not a particular amount to use. You add as much salt only to get your salinity up to what gravity you would like. You need a hydrometer for this. The amount of salt depends on what your plans are with your tank. A reef with inverts and corals? You want your gravity level up between 2.023 - 2.026. Corals, LR and LS can not survive with salinity much lower. You can add more LR as it is still cycling. the more LR should speed up the cycling. HTH;)



Originally posted by simm
You want your gravity level up between 2.023 - 2.026. HTH;)

Yikes, I hope that was a misprint, gravity should be around 1.021 to 1.024


I keep mine at 23 but I know several people who keep it at 26. why i dont know. Personal prefs I guess :)


O haha thanks. I didnt see that part. I guess I over looked at what he meant. yea definalty 1. mot 2 but. I thought he was talking about the .26 :D
My bad. Ill go sit in the corner :D