Well I checked all water parameters about two hours ago & just checked them again to make sure before I went to bed and he was already gone. It really upsets me and almost makes me want to take it all down and sell it.
I know my water conditions were good and to be ick it killed him very, very fast. When I removed him from the QT and looked closely the white spots were inside the skin not like parasites on the outside. Almost like he just died from bad water conditions. Are there other elements in the water that I do not know to test for yet? I will list my tests and water conditions below. The only thing that I didn't do that may have contibuted is not using RO/DI. Please give me your opinion on the importance of this. I just used tap water with chlorine/chloramine remover. The water was 8.0 straight out of the tap and I used Kent Super Buffer dKH to raise it to 8.2 over two days.
Temp 78
SG 1.025
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 25
KH 13 (is this also the same thing as Alk, or what is difference?)
O2 5.5mg/l. (6.5mgl should be 100% at Temp78 and 1.025)
I have a 75g reef tank with 75lbs LR, 75lbs LS, 2 Whisper 60 Hang on the back filters, 2 Rio 800's (filters and PH's move about 300gph each), NO Fish now
, Blue Linkia, Orange Linkia, 2 Sally Lightfoots, 2 emeralds, 5 peppermints, CBS, Purple Nudibranch, 2 Feather dusters, 2 Condi's, Orange Tree Sponge, Red Ball Sponge, 15 Astrea's, 5 Scarlet Hermits, 5 Blue Leg Hermits.
I do not have a skimmer, but did not think it was needed and worth the money with just that one fish. Opinion?
Also how long will it take my tank with no fish to get rid of the ick or whatever it is in it? And will the starfish host it?