Cycling ? Regarding Carbon,uv,and Phosban


I will soon be cycling a 215gal tank and was planned on running a uv sterelizer, carbon and phosban. My ? is should I wait till the tank is done cycling to run these or just wait on the UV sterelizer?
Thanks a lot!


Originally Posted by SHAWNLX86
I will soon be cycling a 215gal tank and was planned on running a uv sterelizer, carbon and phosban. My ? is should I wait till the tank is done cycling to run these or just wait on the UV sterelizer?
Thanks a lot!
I know there are a lot of experienced people out there that must know the answer to this ? :help: please!!


I just cycled a 225 and I wanted some of the established bacteria from my existing 72 gal LR and sand bed to colonize in my tank, so I didn't run carbon or UV, once I put the fishes in then I started running the carbon and UV. I've never used phosban at all before.


Some people think phosguard is a waste of money. I never have used it but since you already have it go ahead and use it. Carbon is depleted very quickly in saltwater so you need to change it often. Most people use carbon for a short period of time to polish the water. If you want to use it go ahead it will probally help with the smell of the curing live rock. I would not run the UV for a while it kills paracites but also kills beneficial bacteria. I would wait until you have some fish in there.
Run your skimmer and make sure you clean the collection cup daily.


Active Member
Phosguard a waste of money? No disrespect (at all) but I couldn't disagree with you more. Phosphates have been 0 since day one, hair algae....Whats that? and diatoms were at a minimum. I recommend it.


Geez, little testy aren't we. I guess I read this in the Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner I forgot he is a idiot. Plus I said some people, I cannot comment on it because I have never used it. I'm glad it works for you.


so it sounds like the majority say, i can run carbon and phosban, but wait until tank has cycled before adding uv.
sound good!!!
any others???


Active Member
I don't plan on using either when I cycle. Just my skimmer for mechanical filtration and live rock/sand for bioloigcal filter. Phosban is used to keep phosphates down to zero. IMO if you use quality salt and RO/DI water you shouldn't have phosphates. Commercially made fish foods have phosphates so one can eliminate or reduce them by feeding homemade foods. If you maintain your calcium levels (keeeping them high), it will help to naturally reduce phosphate levels. I also believe carbon can possibly leach phosphate (can't find my source on this). Carbon also removes trace elements but it does add to water quality. But your UV sterilizer will do this. UV sterilizers remove good and bad elements also but not all of them.
I believe all three of them could possibly mask problems in your tank. IOW if you test for phosphates and find them to be high it is best to learn why and try to correct it (less feeding, changing foods, bad water source etc.). I'm not against running either but favor using them on an as-needed-basis or from time to time.
If you feel you must run phosban and carbon, your best bet would be after your cycle. Let your rock and work alone and harder in creating their biological filtering capabilities.


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
Geez, little testy aren't we. I guess I read this in the Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner I forgot he is a idiot. Plus I said some people, I cannot comment on it because I have never used it. I'm glad it works for you.
No Andy not testy at all. Hence my quote, "No disrespect (at all) ". Just my opinion.


Active Member
I would save your money and not run the PhosBAN until the tank is up and running. I do not believe it would hurt your 'cycle' in anyway but I do not think it would do much good this early.


Ok, so I guess I'll wait till tank is done cycling before running anything (except my skimmer). thanks for all the help everyone.