cycling tank with LR


Ok, when I set up my 40 gal. it took 6 weeks for the cycle to complete, but I didn't use any LR. Now my 125, I have 40 lbs. LS and 80 lbs LR. Will it take the same amount of time, or could it happen sooner. So far, after 2 weeks, none of the parameters have changed. Ammonia, 0, nitrites <.03, ph 8.0, salinity 1.025. There are two damsels in it as the "sacrifical lambs". Any thoughts?


Active Member
I think it does take a little less time to cycle with LR as my tank only took a month to cycle with LR but every tank has a different cycling period. I still woulnd't add any fish for a while so the tank can mature a little while and to be sure that your cycle is finished, just my opinion.


Active Member
every tank is different, so it is had to tell, but cycling with lr, if it is cured often does work a little faster,
however, cycling with lr and sand, normally does build a more stable system(IMO) too


Thanks for the help. I'll give it another couple of weeks, and testing, before I put the residents of my smaller tank into their new big condo. :D