Hello everyone! 3 weeks ago I started cycling a 55G tank with 75 pounds of live sand and 5 red mangroove sprots. to cycle the tank I bought 3 chromis, and in the first week 2 of them died, but according to my Seachem Ammonia alert, the ammonia never went past alarm(4 stages, safe ,alert, alarm, toxic) I put 2 fresh uncocked shrimp in there 2 weeks ago and are almost disinigrated, but even with them, the ammonia never went that high. And tonight I noticed about 3 worms in the sand. Is it possible that with the sand and the mangroves that the ammona and nitates evened them selves out? I have also been seeding the tank with water from my 6gallon nanotank. I change 2 gallons on water a week and have been putting it in the 55G to help with bacteria growth. Other then that the one Chromis I have left is doing great and I also added some blue hermits to help keep the sand moving...any ideas about my cycling! am I good to add my live rock yet or should I wait? any help would be great! Thanks!