cycling tanks with lr and ls


can some one quickly tell me the way to cycle your tank with lr and kinda slow so can you give me step to step instructions?:rolleyes:

ed r

1. Put saltwater in tank
2. Put dead sand, if any in tank.
3. Add live sand on top.
4. Let settle.
5. Add live rock.
6. Test for ammonia and nitrite daily.
Ammonia will go up first, nitrite will go up, ammonia will drop to zero, nitrite will later drop to zero
7. Begin testing for nitrate as well. Nitrate should drop to zero as well.
8. When both ammonia and nitrite fall to zero and remain there for a few days, the cycle is complete.
The above assumes that the live rock is uncured or not fully cured (usually a safe assumption) so the die-off will provide the source of ammonia to fuel the cycle.
Good luck.


Active Member
Of course if the live rock is fully cured the cycle will be less drastic and much quicker;)