cycling the tank faster, want to know


can i cycle my tank faster if i use the product called cycle? anyone ever do this also what abought bio-zyme?


bo-zyme will help the cycle, maybe make it done a couple days sooner. but u dont want to rush ur cycle. its very imprtant. u dont want to kill 100 bucks worth of fish cause u could wait. live rock and or live sand will speed it up to. its worth the wait!!!!!!!


Active Member
Patients is the biggest virtue you can have if you’re going to get involved with salt water. No "magic potion" is going to make for a better cycle then waiting only a few weeks. If you have live sand and or live rock in there already it is doing the same thing the product your talking about will do. There is no such thing as an instant cycle with a new tank.
Make this hobby more enjoyable for you and your family and wait. Taking your time in just about everything in SW tanks will make things SOOO much easier and problem free for you.
GL to ya


Active Member
Remember there are two issues in cycling. One is getting the bacteria (if you start with LR, live sand, Cycle or whatever, that is a source) and the food for growth of that bacteria which is ammonia (eg from LR die off or shrimp).
If you don't have much ammonia, you will not cycle hard, and you will not necessarily end up with a solid biological filter for when fish are added....regardless of how many bottles of bacteria or other sources you may add.
But you need both, and, IMO, you should not try to speed things up just to get fish in the tank sooner. Push the tank into a hard cycle and let it finish naturally. You will have more confidence when adding fish. Patience is a good rule to follow - even if cycling the tank.