Cycling with dead rock?



Ok...I think I understand this.....
My rock was once its not and has been completely dried out.
I have enough to just about cover my 90g bottom and some of the bigger peices are 10 inches tall (or around) whichever.
Since this is a new set up I realize I can cure it in the tank and I plan too...
The question is....should this rock provide enough die off/ammonia to cycle the tank?Or will I need an additional ammonia source?
Heres a pic for reference:



If your rock was live and has dried out the
it wont have existing beneficial bacteria to cycle your tank, and probably wont have anything that is actively decaying to start a cycle.
BUT it doesnt really matter at this point.
go ahead and add some fish food or piece of shrimp etc, thenstart testing your water parameters. You should show ammonia readings in 2-3 days. It will just take longer for your tank to cycle since you dont have any live rock or and(??)
I would sugest adding some cyle or live sand to your tank or if you have a wet dry, adding some bioballs to speed the growth of beneficial bacteria.