Cycling with live rock


My LFS recommends i cycle the new tank with the LR. What do people here thing of this? How much of my LR is going to die in the cycle?


You can cycle with LR but it would probably take a good amount. Best thing to cycle with is a couple of raw shrimp from the store and throw in your tank.



Originally posted by jbeck
interesting. They told me with the live rock there would be no cycle and id be good to go.

That depends on if you get cured or uncured LR. And after you cycle if you get uncured and throw into your tank youll risk starting a cycle over again and if you have stock in the tank thats not good. It wil cause an ammonia spike.


How far are you into your cycle
Get as much LR as you can 1.5 per gallon
Get uncured live rock because it will be cheaper.
Cycle the live rock in your thank and do not turn on the lights (maybe acouple ours a day)
Use a protein skimmer, power head a heater throughou the cycle. Make water changes twice a week about 1/4 of tank.
In about three weeks start running the lights, and check for aminioa.
If your aminio goes down put in a cheap fish to help it cycle. ( not a damsel because you well never get rid of it


New Member

Originally posted by stanford
Use a protein skimmer, power head a heater throughou the cycle.

Are you supposed to use a protien skimmer while cycling a tank? I was on the understanding you should wait at least until after the cycle before turning a skimmer on. Can anyone verify either way?


The bio-load will probably not be enough for a skimmer right off bat and during a cycle I wouldnt run it. Let it take its course. Then after your cycle add some stock then run skimmer.


My experience is a little different than those posted so far. I know it's not the "norm", just thought I'd share a different scenerio.
I used cured LR to cycle my tank (almost 1 lb. per gallon of water, as you can see in my signature). My tank DID cycle, showing spikes of ammonia, nitrites, then nitrates. Each died off just like they should have. This happened in 10 days. I did not have "significant" die-off from my LR, but enough to create a cycle.
BTW, my ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates have been excellent since my cycle ended.