cycling with LR, when to start water changes?


75 gal, 3/4 in DSB(25Livesand) 45#Pre-cured Fiji LR, its been in 3 days, ammonia is at 1.0. Adding 45#more this next week. do I wait 2 weeks before a WC or a certian Am level, don't want to waste alot of test if this should just be sitting. LFS lady told me I would have to WC every 3 days. Thanks for any help.


I'm just a newbie and still learning but from what I have read, you want to wait to do a water change until after your cycle completes, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, and Nitrates come up. If you did one now you would just be removing the good bacteria you've been trying to grow and thus prolong your cycle.

nm reef

Active Member
Doing any water changes during the cycle will simply prolong the cycle. Most folks will suggest you wait until the cycle completes...then do a water change. Thats the method I prefer. Be patient and let the cycle complete.:cool:


Thanks thats what I was thinking, I have SW mixed and ready, I will use that to rinse the new LR thats coming. Any suggestions on scrubbing the rock, don't want to, but thinking I'd better to some extent. Will a soft toothbrush gently be enough?

david t.

also as a reminder if you readings start to go down before you add the next shippment of rock. they will go up again most likley when you add the new rock. i would wait until all the lr is in the tank and then when the levels are at 0 then do water change. as far as the tooth brush that would do ok. also you realy only need to scrub the rock if it has white areas where some die off has occured. just scrub off the white parts. :D