Cycling with rock and phyto - update


Just to update. System contains a 10 gallon tank and 5 gallon refugium, 20 lb. live sand and 15 lb. rock, both from the Gulf. The refugium is presently empty except for sand. I've added 20-25 ml of phyto each day since Thursday, when I added sand and rock. Thursday evening ammonia read .6 ppm and nitrite was about .1 ppm and pH dropped to 8.0. By Friday evening ammonia and nitrite were undetectable and the pH was 7.9. Today pH is 8.0 and still no ammonia or nitrite.
By Friday night the corals were expanded and many looked healthy. Worms and barnacles seem to be feeding, or attempting to do so, and all looks well overall despite the loss and damage from shipping.