CYCLING- Would this work?????????

rob 10737

New Member
Starting up a 75 gal. and have a 45 gal. up and running for abour 8 months. If I do a 50% water change on the 45 and use that water in the 75. Do this 2 maybe 3 times a week, would the tank cycle faster???
Yes this would help, but I wouldnt do that many water changes so close together, and that much at a time either, also what do you have for substrate in the cycled tank and what are you going to use in the new 75???? ;)


Patience, patience, patience. The cycle doesnt take that long. You could use the water once I'd say and help the cycle along with a product like TLC. Before you know it .....CYCLED......


If you use some of Nature's Ocean packaged live sand about a pound / gal you will get an instant cycle. I have done this twice with great success. I have seen this product in lfs and on line as well.


I would take some of the substrate from your established tank, lr, or some filter media and put it into the new tank. That should help speed up the cycle. I also have used raw shrimp to cycle a tank. It took under two weeks to do a complete cycle. It costs next to nothing and nothing can die...smells bad though.


i would agree with using some substrate. you are going to have more bacteria in your sand than in your water. but if you do so many water changes on your 45 its bacteria will be depleted. so take a little water out at a time, and some substrate, and give it a little time and you should be fine.