Originally Posted by hot883
The shrimp rots, nitrates and ammonia go really high and create nitrites I believe is the order. But basically they create a bacteria in the sand, rock, tank etc. that brakes down the harmful chemicals.
Excess food and fish poop works the same way, however the toxic levels burns the gills of the fish. Damsels are cheap so people use them. Some will die some will live. 2 problems here:
1. super cruel as it burns gills as I said and many do not live through it.
2. damsels get really mean when they get bigger and are super hard to catch after you get the rock in the tank.
The cycle can be accomplished with live rock too as it gets shipped it will have die off in it.
The cycle will take 4-6 weeks and CANNOT be rushed....
Please don't use fish, even the poor damsels that are very inexpensive. This is just cruel.
If you were going to use any new rock--place it now, let this cycle your tank.
The old saying---Nothing good comes fast with saltwater tanks. Please be patient.