

New Member
Can someone please explain what you mean by cycling your tank? I've had my live rock for 2 weeks now. Is it cycled? And someone told me to put a dead shrimp in there. Why do you need to do that? I don't understand very much about this yet so please be patient with me. Thanks


Active Member
First of all there are hundreds of posts on here about cycling so check some of them and see what you like best.
Personally I would not use the dead shrimp, I ghost feed my tank and use the LR (live rock) and LS (live sand). Pretty much a cycle goes like this
Ammonia + Nitrite + Nitrate
When all those parameters are at zero your tank has cycled make sure you add fish slowly because every time you add a fish your tank will have a mini cycle, so be careful about your first few fish. After your tank has been established for about 6-12 months you shouldn't have to worry to much about your water parameters, just do your weekly / bi-weekly water changes (depending on your fish and bioload) and you should be A OK


Cycling is when ammonia is converted to nitrite, then to nitrate. Few forms of multicellular life can survive in a tank that has ammonia. The bacteria responsible for this, Nitrosamonas, and Nitrobacter, need an environment with good oxygen, and a steady supply of ammonia, in this case, a dead shrimp.
Ammonia+Nitrite+Nitrate? What are you talking about?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spitfire
Whoa, hold your horses! Do you have a test kit? Did you research at all before starting a marine tank?
Spitfire I have read several of your posts tonight and you seem to be a very harsh person you should lighten up on people who are just starting. Hey at least their asking questions and learning so I applaud that. But in your future posts please try not to be so rude


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spitfire
Cycling is when ammonia is converted to nitrite, then to nitrate. Few forms of multicellular life can survive in a tank that has ammonia. The bacteria responsible for this, Nitrosamonas, and Nitrobacter, need an environment with good oxygen, and a steady supply of ammonia, in this case, a dead shrimp.
Ammonia+Nitrite+Nitrate? What are you talking about?

first your AMMONIA will spike then your NITRITES then your NITRATES when they hit 0 (zero) your tank is cycled. Thats what i'm talking about


Originally Posted by Drewsta
Spitfire I have read several of your posts tonight and you seem to be a very harsh person you should lighten up on people who are just starting. Hey at least their asking questions and learning so I applaud that. But in your future posts please try not to be so rude

I just say it like it is


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spitfire
I just say it like it is

But your not helping people by being harsh you are discouraging them
Try positive reinforcement not negative it works 100 times better


Originally Posted by Drewsta
first your AMMONIA will spike then your NITRITES then your NITRATES when they hit 0 (zero) your tank is cycled. Thats what i'm talking about
No sh** sherlock. But how is this symbolized by Ammonia+Nitrate+Nitrate?


Originally Posted by Drewsta
But your not helping people by being harsh you are discouraging them

Hey, some people need to be discouraged

Ever seen a newbie walk into a pet store, buy a carpet anemone, then ask if 2 100 watt incandescent lights will be enough? It's not a pretty sight.


Active Member
If you have the knowledge help people by telling them what they should do not by saying your stupid haha you don't even know what your talking about. I also see that your 15 years old so you will learn things in time about human nature (I hope)


I may be 14, but I am probably smarter than you

One thing I do know: at least I have the balls to tell people what they are doing wrong


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spitfire
I may be 14, but I am probably smarter than you

One thing I do know: at least I have the balls to tell people what they are doing wrong

Ok well this post really shows your immaturity. Also I would like to know what this person did wrong? Is asking a question wrong?
By the way I have a bachelor in psychology/Business just an fyi



Originally Posted by Spitfire
I may be 14, but I am probably smarter than you
One thing I do know: at least I have the balls to tell people what they are doing wrong

Hmm, maybe I do know a little something about psychology after all!
People must
do research before starting this hobby. Am I really that bad for advocating it?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Spitfire
People must
do research before starting this hobby.

I agree and if they are on this site asking questions then they are educating themselves (on the hobby) why try and belittle people? Also it says you've been in the hobby for 4 years how much trial and error have you done since you were 10 years old. All i'm saying is just be courtious to people and teach them the knowledge that you have


Active Member
Corcoadam sorry for making a mess of your thread just keep on asking questions thats why most of us are on the board


As a matter of fact, alot of trial and error!
It sucked! I don't want ot67her peopl1e to have to go through that!
These forums should be for for supplements and opinions. Not as a base.
Frankly, very few people on this forum are even a little qualified to be giving others advice. Thats why people like you and me have to work extra hard to keep the newbies out of trouble. I don't try to belittle people. I just state the obvious.
Corcoadam, thank you for hosting this delightful spat! LB
Sorry for the misspellings! My new little kitty keeps walking on the keyboard!


These forums should be for for supplements and opinions. Not as a base.
Frankly, very few people on this forum are even a little qualified to be giving others advice. Thats why people like you and me have to work extra hard to keep the newbies out of trouble. I don't try to belittle people. I just state the obvious.

The arrogance is stout....I knew it all then too my friend.....we all did.
In an effort to give advice you received some...why not take it?
After all...its rather obvious.