

Active Member
is this your first tank?
alot of people put a piece of shrimp in a new tank.they also sell a tank cycle product that will cycle your tank in about 2-3 weeks.
if you have a tank already i put a sponge in the old tank for a week and then in the new one.
run everything except the skimmer.


Active Member
set it up with all your equipment, rock and sand. You may not have to run your skimmer if you have one, but powerheads should be running.

salt nate

I ran everything except the skimmer, got some live rock and a clown fish and I was ready to go in a couple of weeks. Key is live rock!


I just finished cycling my 180. Put in all of the live rock, threw 2 uncooked shrimp in a nylon bag ( easy clean-up after ), and let it sit in there for 3-4 days. Checked ammonia readings and they were thru the roof.
Took another 2 weeks for all the levels to come back to normal.