

New Member
I am now 10 days into my cycle I have 35lbs of uncured live rock, 100lbs of calcium carbonate base rock, 4inch Arogonite DSB, and 2 coctail grocery store shrimp. My question is iam still showing ZERO!! ammonia! am i just being impatient? I have a hagen test kit the dates are good. Should I buy a different kit and see what is says? thanks for the replies in advance.


Active Member
10 days into your cycle and you haven't seen a spike? sounds odd to me especially if your LR was uncured. I would try a different test kit. Have you checked Nitrites.


Active Member
everything is fine, just relaxe and give it a few more days and then bring a sample of your water to the LFS and have them test it. Don't waste your money on a tes kit, again... GL


I'm with Birdy on this, it does sound odd with uncured liverock and 10 days, Is there an experation date on your test kit?
Have your lfs check your ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrates.


I recently finsihed cycling a 30 gallon tank w 25lbs LR and while the LFS and everyone else told me that it would take 4-6 weeks and I anally tested my water daily, I didn't see my first ammonia spike until more than 2 weeks in and in all it took my tank closer to 2 months to cycle. Like people, I think some tanks are just slower than others ;)