Cynarina "Doughnut Coral" spawning?


Amasing thing happened tonight. I walked over to my tank about 15 minutes ago and noticed that my tank was milky white and the fish were going crazy eating something. As I got closer I noticed they were eating some white egg looking things which were floating in the tank. At first I could not figure out where these egg were coming from. But after observing some minutes I saw my RED donut coral expel hundreds of these eggs. Then a few minutes later the coral is also pictured in my avatar also a Donut Coral but larger expeled tons of eggs and what apear to be milky sperm into my tank. Like I said before my clown and firefish are feasting my tank is very milky almost foggy and eggs are still flowing around. I'm sure that none of these will ever hatch ? I have seen this type of coral behaivior on the Discovery Channel but never in my tank. I have been keeping coraqls for about 3 years and this is the first time I have seen something like this. How about the rest of the SWF comunity is this rare or have others experienced corals spawning in your tank?