Cyno outbreak after moving to new tank.

I'll try keeping this short. My 29 gal. tank sprung a leak about 2 weeks ago and after putting my live sand a rock back into the tank I have a bad cyno outbreak. Is this to be expected and will it take it's coarse or should I syphon it out? I don't wan't disrupt the substrate more than has already been done.


New Member
I had a TERRBILE cyno outbreak after moving a tank. My Nitrates and Phosphates where the problem. Lots of water changes, to get the nitrates down and some phosguard, or phosphate filtering media did the trick for me in just a couple of weeks.

small triggers

Active Member
if there are no fish, just keep doing repetitive water changes almost evey other day. If you have fish its not a great idea to do such a volume but definently syphon it out and do a bi-weekly water change to help get rid of it. Also watch your feedings, and dont add anything to your tank until this is cleared up.