Cyno. problem?


I've got a Cyno problems on some of my rocks, its spreading slowly. Not really a problem yet, but don't want it to get to that point. I do regular water change and all my lights on my PC's are new. Water flow is good I have atleast turnover of 20 times.
My equiptments are: Prizm skimmer, Aquaclear 200 with surface skimmer, 4X13watts PC's(actinic and 10k), 301 Power Head.
How can I remove this before it starts to be a real problem?


is it only on the rocks??? do you have sand and if so is it on that too???? how old is the tank....what fish and shrimp are in the tank.....and how much do you feed them.....what is your P04 readings along with the rest of your water readings???


read over this
but from the sounds of your info given thus far you alread have...maybe


Active Member
Take a turkey baster or large eye-dropper and blow water at high pressure at the "cyanobacteria" if it peels away then its cyano. In my opinion it sounds like coralline algae and not red-slime.


Their just on the rocks and some on the bottom of my glass and substrate. But I will try to blast them off if I can. All my readings are minimal and I only got 2 fishes and 1 shrimp, couple of snails and hermit crabs.
do any inverts eat cyano/ eat what cause it (or do you just need a good clean-up crew to eat extra food), im starting to see it in my tank too


Active Member
no critters will eat it - just blow it off your rocks and keep good water motion going!!
When you blow it off your rocks - try to suck it up so you remove the bacteria from your tank!


I had a cyno problem from keeping my lights on to long. Lowered the lights down to 7 hours and am cyno free.