D.T.'s stinks bad!


New Member
I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but last night I opened up a bottle of D.T.'s, which I purchased from a website and it stated to use before November 15th. Anyway, upon retrieving the bottle from my fridge and opening it, it smelled really fowl! The directions on the bottle stated not to use if it smells bad. My question is since this stuff is so expensive, is it ok to use it when it smells bad or should I just throw it out?


i use Liquid life, so I do not have any personal experience useing DT's. I have been told that if you get a fowl bottle, it can crash a tank. i would be careful.

nm reef

Active Member
If it smells rank it is due to die off and using it will adversely affect your water chemistry. I'd guess you'd be adding ammonia that would start a mini cycle and all the associated problems.
I buy mine from a local retailor that I trust and normally use it long before the experiation date. I've always heard that it must stay refrigerated or it will die and is then not usable.:cool:


Active Member
kent's phytoplex also smells bad but theres nothing on the label about keeping it in a frige. Or maybe its designed that way... anyone know anything about this product?