Dad gave me a fifty-five...........

darth tang

Active Member
Need some ideas.
I currently have a 140 aggressive, that needs one more inhabitant then it is done, a 55 gallon seahorse tank with engineer goby, a turtle habitat in a twenty, and a 10 gallon freshwater. I am also setting up a 10 gallon Mantis shrimp tank.
My dilema is what to do with the 55. I don't want to do a full blown reef as time is limited as is money more so now. But I was thinking of a low low light reef or a gorgonian/sponge with fish type of thing that don't require lighting.
Any suggestions on possible options or how to do the gorgonian sponge tank??
I am open to anything.
My girlfriend wanted to do dwarf seahorse in it, I put a stop to that idea real fast. I don't have the time to care for that, as I would need over 100 horses in the tank to accomodate the amount of food I would have to have living a tank that size. It would be to much work and money by far. I could just do a reef if I had that kind of time or money.


Sounds like you have a nice assortment of different tanks. If I had those tanks already, I'd probably try an octupus or go freshwater with either african cichlids or oscars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
My girlfriend wanted to do dwarf seahorse in it, I put a stop to that idea real fast. I don't have the time to care for that, as I would need over 100 horses in the tank to accomodate the amount of food I would have to have living a tank that size. It would be to much work and money by far. I could just do a reef if I had that kind of time or money.
Good thing you didnt that would be a nightmare :scared:
a gorgonian sponge thing would be ok and pretty neat also i believe you can get sun corals also.
just remember you would have to feed them lots of phyto and zoo plankton

darth tang

Active Member
I was thinking Octopus for about a day, but the lifespan isn't ideal to what I like. I grow attqached as do my kids.
CELACANTHr, that is exactly what I am thinking, things that survive on phyto and zoo plankton and maybe some flake or silversides as well. Nothing that requires lighting unless real low light. The problem is I can't find any information on care for these creatures. Anyone have knowledge or experience.


Active Member
well gorgonians sponges and sun corals you just feed phyto and zoo every3 days or so when you put the sponge in the tank always leave it underwater yes some lfs water will get in your tank but otherwise the ponge WILL die

darth tang

Active Member
I am not worried about the tank water so much. The LFS I would get it through keeps imaculate water. I have received some information regarding the keeping and care of such creatures from my LFS as well, but he was honest (as he always is) and stated he didn't know as much about these creatures versus the reef and fish which he has a lot of knowledge on. Sometimes I think he reads this sight as his advise is typically mimiced by many posters