Damaged Leather


New Member
Hey guys it is me again. Man i am having the wierdest time with this toadstool. I have not purchased any other corals because of this thing. You will not believe what has happened. I was blowing of the top of the toadstool one morning and then I started to blow out the live rock that was there. I noticed some white flesh was coming form the rock I had to go to work so I left the powerhead blowing directly on the toadstool. When I got home the stalk was blown in half. I was in shock at what I saw. I have been waiting for the top to do something. That was about 3 weeks ago. It is still alive. My question is what will happen next? and what should i do?


I would have to agree with Lebowski. I have both soft and LPS and would love to keep SPS but don't have the lighting to do so. At the same time as much as I love LPS my work does not permit me to dote over my tank like I did in undergrad or even law school for that matter. As such I tend to stick to the most forgiving of the two types. As of right now I have 6 LPS and 7 or so softies.


New Member
Hey guys thank you for your participation in my pole. I still need some advice on what to do with my toadstool. The top of it is just there I do not know if it is going to die or not. I thought it would have by now but it has not.


Active Member
It sounds like you may have a water problem.
Have you tested for anything? Post the results.
If you can't test, have your LFS do it.
Sorry I can't help you, it would be shooting in the dark and hoping to hit a target.


New Member
My test the last time i did them was this:
It is strange becaouse the little polyps never came out until the darn thing was rippid in half by my power head. The top looks healthy but that is all that is there. It does not have a stalk to it anymore.


Active Member
Simply having ammonia above zero will kill it.....fix the water quality, and it may do fine. You can cut them into pices and the pieces all grow back. Perhaps since it is mangled anyway, you might want to think about cutting it, and then you would have several.....got to get the water quality fixed though.


New Member
Hey I did not know that. So you think that I could cut it and have frags to place in different places in my tank. That would be cool. Please tell me how to do that and what to use. Please suggest a way to attach the pieces to other pieces of my live rock. I will concentrate on my water quality. I have been trying to narrow down what is causing the ammonia level. I will get some bacteria to put in the tank. I have been so busy lately. Need to get back to doing water changes every weekend. Thank you for your support.


Active Member
An easy way is after you cut it with a razor, stick it with a tooth pick and super glur it to a rock.
Check out garf