damn ich!


I can't get rid of it. My fish have been in qt for two weeks now with a SG of 1.009 for over a week and the ich is now back again. The regal tang is COVERED in cysts and even the blu gobie has them all over (and he can't eat them off himself!), the clowns are scratching on the pvc pipes and I don;t know what to do. I have been feeding them garlic saturated Mysis, but this infestation is bad, worse than when they were in the display tank when I moved them. Should I dose with copper? Willit effect ich at this stage? I started a copper regemin the first week but comments on this board led me to believe that the hyposalinity would work and that copper would eventually be damaging to the fish. I know this is a post more suited to the D & T board but not many folks respond to that one. HELP!
this is how you get rid of ich
buy a cleaner wrasse and a cleaner shrimp, the wrasse will pick it off the fish in the day while the shrimp at nightm it's an amazing thing, try it, trust me


Ok, problem, the glass hydrometer I was using is calibrated for 60* - the plastic one only goes down to 1.010. How do I calibrate for the glass one? Can I?


Staff member
Get a refractometer. You can find them online for $70 and less. All this hassle and stress to fish can be avoided by using this one simple piece of equiptment.