damsel devils?


call me stupid because i am new at this but why does everyone seem to hate damsels and want to get rid of them?
very territorial and they are not scared of any other fish. they are very prone to go after anything placed in the tank, including other damsels. I have 5 in a 55 gal that I am cycling right now. They are constantly going at each other. Im just waiting for my LS to cycle the tank, and they are out of here!!

sinner's girl

I liked them. cheap and hard to kill. unless the cat gets them...j/j. but i did like the ones we had


I'll tell you what. Everyone talks about how bad damsels are, but my humbug aint nothin in my tank.
My yellow tang really shows my humbug whos boss and my strawberry basslet doesnt take any flak from my damsel either. My humbug damsel isnt a threat in my tank.
Although I did notice (at least from my expierence) thats damsels only dislike each other. My humbug damsel gets along fine with all my fish. I dont understand how damsels can be so mean, especially when my yellow tang keeps his butt in check. :D
Don't Mess With Me, This Is My Tank!
Haha, I'm a nut...


My damsel is rock buddies with a 14" eel. The eel chases everything else away, but lets this little blue damsel live an inch from his mouth with not so much as a dirty look. Who knows?