Damsel Disease (i think)


I've had 6 damsels (2 four stripes, 2 yellow tails, 1 neon, and one yellow) and the yellow one had "red bumps" on him so i took him into my lfs and they said they were just nip marks. So i stopped worrying and they went away. Well after the tank cycle I added 2 true percs. one dwarf lion and one sand sifter. Well long story short all the new arrivals died (no QT i know im getting one now) and the red bump is back. Its just on the yellow though. Now this question may be an idiot question but i can see like blue/black blobs inside them i think its thier stomach am i right? Kinda an idiot question but is it disease parsite or what? Plz reply!


The only time I've ever been able to see their stomachs is when they were under extreme stress. In my situation, this was because of a break out of Ich.
In your situation, I am willing to bet that your cycle is not complete. The fish are probably stressed out due to something "wrong" in your water parameters. Please post your water parameters (PH, Salinity, Temperature, Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates).
Damsels are pretty hardy fish. Its tough to kill them. They can look sick but still survive. For most other fish, this is not the case. Poor water conditions will kill most other fish within a day or two.
How long have you had your tank setup?
What water did you use to fill your tank? Did you use tap water? If so, are you on a public water supply or a well?
Do you only see their stomachs late at night when the light is off or do you always see it?


Staff member
Any chance of getting a picture up?
What are your water readings? Are any fish being aggressive?


Well I bought my tank used and it came with a test kit but the amonia is out so I'm going to buy a new one. So I went to ***** and they told me my amonia was 0 my nitrite was 0 and my nitates were below 20ppm. I was seeing the stomachs late at night and only in my yellow. oh and the yellow is usually agressive and still is. He also has a red bump on his "forehead" and this had happened once before so i took him in and they said it was normal. Does that help?


Its been running for around a month and I have alot of algea growth (gonna get some cleaners when i get some confidence) and I tried to take pics but they're WAY to fast lol. Well the yellow is still acting wierd and I've been thinking about geting rid of him anyways so I think I will, but I still need to know the problem so I can take care of it. Any Ideas?


Oh they did say my PH was a hair low so I think I'm going to add some buffer does that sound like a good idea?


Hmmm...I'd probably do a water change and add a little buffer. Test again in a few days and see if there is any improvement. I've never had a yellow damsel...so Im not sure if its common to see their bellies even when healthy.


Staff member
Is this "bump" protruding. Or is it flat with the skin of the fish? Does it look like red vains or streaks, or does it look like it may be an open wound?
Need more info.
Are you adding all those fish at once? More tank info,


Its WAS kinda a bump wound but after I added buffer for two days IT ALL LEFT. Now I've added 25lbs of live rock and its looking awesome! just thought you should know