Damsel Ick?


I read on another post that even if I treat my two damsels that have ick they can still transfer it to other new fish after the signs are gone. Am I reading this right? Not to sound harsh, but should I just elliminate the 2 damsels so this doesn't spread? I don't want to spend a lot of time and money on the damsels to have them spread it to the rest of the fish population. Also can snails or hermit crabs carry ick?:(


Staff member
Abosolutely not. If fish and tank is adequately treated, then ich will not spead. Read the FAQ Thead at the top of the forum for the hyposalinity treatment. Now that ich is in your tank, the tank also has ich, thus the fish and the tank are carries of the parasite.
Ich is a fish disease and is not carried by inverts. It can, however, be introduced into displays by on rocks, substrated from an infected tank.