damsel in distress


I need help big time! I have a 90 gallon fo tank that has been set up for 1 and a half weeks. I have in it 2 blue damsels, 2 domino damsels, and 2 3 striped damsels.
The three stripped seem to be the less aggresive of the damsels I have.
The tanks tempature due to overheating lighting got up to 86 degrees once this week. However fluctuated between 79 and 84.
I know this is bad and its been at 79 for two day now. The problem is I noticed about 3 day ago one of the 3 stripped damsels had been roughed up a bit, bit up fins. Upon closer inspection I also noticed white spots. I think it may be ich due huge temperature changes.
The damsel this morning is staying close to the top of the tank. I dont know if he will make it.
If this is ich, how can I treat all the fish?


Well,if this is ick,it was either caused from the temp or from the stress of getting beat up.You should get a quarantine tank.Set up a large enough tank so that there will be enough room for all your fish.For a 90 g,I would set up a 30 g.Use it for all new fish to observe before putting them in the display tank.In a fish only tank,you can do a copper treatment to cure ick.But,since you're not cycled yet,I wouldn't treat it if you don't have to.Keep a very close eye on the sick fish.If the ick seems to progress,then go to the next step.I'm not 100% sure,but I don't think copper will effect your cycle.I will research it for you and let you know.Until then,try to get at least a temporary tank to put it in.Also try to keep your temp stable,which I'm sure you are.If you end up using copper,you have to be carefull not to overdose.I will get right back to you on the cycle thing.


Ok.I was correct.Using copper during your cycle will not effect it.Still,get a tank and keep it cycled.Also,keep an eye on the damsel and keep us posted.Hope this helped you.Good luck!! ;)