damsel pale in mornings


New Member
I noticed my yellow tale has lost of color and eyes look like there bulging out in the mornings before I go to work. I do leave the house before sunrise and he is in darkness at night until sunrise. before I leave the house in the mornings I do turn the lights on. not much of a choice. Could this be a shock of light. when I get home from work the tank lights are on and he's very much alive in color and his eyes are fine. any thoughts. thanks


New Member
maybe Im over exagerating on eyes cause his so pale that his eyes stand out or maybe his pupils are open up becase of light. could this cause stress over time or even death.


Active Member
fish lose some of their pigment at night (this is probably not true) but i would think they lower the amount of blood they pump so they can keep their vital organs warm and keep themselves camoflauged, its kinda like, which is gonna blend better? a bright orange perc clown under a rock or a palish dark brown fish under a rock?


i dont think so b/c some fish like my sailfin tang lose color when they sleep then regain it after the light has been on for about 10 minutes


Active Member
I used to have a yellow tail who looked pale in the morning as well. I believe it to be normal. Since there's no light, there's no need for him to be bright and blue. I think the yellow tail has some control over its coloration. I have a black back on the tank, and whenever I needed to catch him and get him out of the tank, for whatever reason, he would turn dark, dark blue, almost black, probably to blend into the background.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
i dont think so b/c some fish like my sailfin tang lose color when they sleep then regain it after the light has been on for about 10 minutes
ya, it doesnt take very long, for a chordate body 10 min is plenty of response time, usually my fish r back to norm colors in less than 2 min


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
ya, it doesnt take very long, for a chordate body 10 min is plenty of response time, usually my fish r back to norm colors in less than 2 min
Same here.


Active Member
Alot of fish change color somewhat. When my watchmen goby is mad he gets kinda brown. I have seen many fish get very dark when mad and very light in the AM.


Active Member
interesting story, at my lfs about a year ago we had a green wolf eel, 3 or so days after he was here he changed into this reddish color, so when ppl would say "wheres the green wolf eel? all i see is this red thing" we would kinda crack up a lil