damsel size and some capatabilitie's


how big do the followin damsels get
domino damsel
blue yellow tailed
false percula
stocking my tank
the fish (others to be added but this is a basic list)
4 blue yellow tailed_________________________________
4 domino

i may do 2 of each of theese or 4 of just 1
4 blue yellow tailed
2 false percula
2 firefish
2 finespotted fairy wrase
2 sharknosed gobie
out of these i will chouse 2-4
1 orange shoulder surgeonfish
1 yellow tang
1 flame angelfish
1 brown scopas tang
1 purple tang
1 flame back angel
the inverts
2 cleaner shrimp
5 pepermint shrimp
3 emerald green crabs
2 decorator crabs
10 zebra hermits
10 blue leg hermits
10 scarlet hermits
20 turbo snails
a few more will be added
corals (at a much later date)
muschrooms blue, neon green
zoos green rimed silver
and a few others
i will have abought 100 lbs of live rock prob alot more
i will get abought 10 lbs a week for 10 weeks


Active Member
The domino will reach around 4 to 6 inches at adult size.
I would only add what you have on the list
2 blue yellow tailed
2 false percula
2 firefish
2 finespotted fairy wrase (Dont know about these I dont know if there reef safe or have to be only 1 per tank unless there a pair or what may want to read up on them)
2 sharknosed gobie
Instead of 4 blue tail damsles and 2 finespotted fairy wrass go with 2 blue tail 1 finespotted at 3-5 reef chromis. And then only 2 tangs I wouldnt add 4 tangs to a 90 gallon tank.