Damsel Vs Dwarf Lion


New Member
Well - after waiting 7 weeks for my tank to cycle, all the levels were looking just fine so I decided to put a dwarf lion in with the two damsels I'd been using for cycling. Everything went fine....for the first day, but when I checked on him the following morning most of his spines were missing - replaced by sore looking red lumps. I suspected the domino damsel had been having a nibble, and moved him to my girlfriend's 55 Gallon tank along with the remaining Blue Damsel, but it looks like I was too late - I came home from work and found Lenny (Yes, he already had a name :)) face down in the gravel.
Question: Why doesn't the venom in the Lion's spines affect the damsel?
Does this look like just another case of a teritorial damsel doing what he does best?
I think I'll wait another couple of months before trying another dwarf lion, maybe double up on the LS. Any other suggestions?
Current setup: 29 Gallon, Penguin 120 Biowheel, 40 pounds LR, 30 pounds LS.
Damsels are good for cycling but should be introduced last when stocking. But when cycling that can't be avoided. If possible catch them and sell them to the lfs or trade them. Not sure but I think the venom is only in the tip of the spines.


lionfish venom has to be injected into the fish's flesh. Most fish which pick on lions spines, break off the lions spines away from the tips, they somehow know this area is safe.
Could the venom be toxic or lethal to fish?-yeah maybe depending on the dose, but usually it just make the fish real sick for 3 or 4 days.