Damsel with Lymphocystis


New Member
I have a Damsel that has all the symtoms/signs of Limp. It has been noticable for about a week and a half now. He is in hypo for Ich now for over three weeks and seems to be doing well.
The Limp is appearing to fall off in some areas where it first occured, Dorsal fin. Not only did it fall off it took part of the fin where it was growing along with it. Other spots or cyst's are still present on other fin areas.
Is this normal? Is it just part of disease cycle? I have heard and read that it usually goes away after awhile with no major concerns. If this is the case I would think the fin area will grow back?
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks, Wade


My clown had lymph and the fin came off with the lymph as you indicated. Her fin (pelvic) grew back to full size in 4 - 6 weeks. Mine had 4 or 5 different spots of lymph. All went away in around 6 weeks. I don't know if it always goes away or if I was just lucky. I did feed following Beth's recommendations and used Zoe and Zoecon. I tried to avoid any stress (adding new things, cleaning, etc.) as much as I could. Hope this helps.


New Member
Thanks 92ProTruck, it makes me feel better to know that this is not so unusual and maybe he will survive and the fin will gorw back. Also thanks for the info on Zoe/Zoecon, I'll get some.