damsel's aggresive??


I know that damsel's are reffered to as an aggressive fish.. but I have 2 yellow tailed damsels with a 4" hippo tang and 5" bird nose wrasse.. the damsels swim around together and hang out. but they seem to be the least aggressive fish in the tank. just curious as to what defines an "aggressive fish" ... if its not reef safe does that make it aggressive??.. just curios..


Active Member
i believe that reef compatibility has nothing to do with aggressiveness, aggressive more refers to with whether or not they will attack or harass your other species of fish


Active Member
Put a Passive fish in there (like a gobie) and you will see how aggressive damsels are. Most pick on or even kill most none aggressive fish simular in size or smaller.


Active Member
seems like u lucked out. Damsels are evil!!! They normally bite at every other fish in a reef tank. Anyways....congrats..you got a great pair of damsels.


New Member
I have 3 damsels in my 65g tank a blue,domino and a yellowtail. They all three pick at each other and the blue damsel forced the yellowtail to stay up behind my powerhead. whenever he comes out thr blue damsel chases him back up there. The domino chases them both whenever they get near his spot in the rock. You got lucky getting non aggressive damsels


I have a sgt Major, a 3 striped damsel, and 2 dominos that are protective of their territories, but I have not seen any nipping at fins or such actions. I also have a yellow tang, 2 tomato clowns, 2 maroon clowns, and a bi-color angel. I was worried about the damsels being too agressive for the rest of the fish (the clowns, tang, and angel were added after the damsels), but they are getting along fine. When the tang and angel swim thru the damsels' territories, the damsels seem to back off or not even notice.
I used to have a yellow tailed damsel. That one was very timid and would stay hidden most of the time. But he did fine, i.e. no fins damaged by nipping or anything. Saying that, I believe yellow tailed damsels are not the aggressive damsels everyone talks about. Just my 2 cents worth.


Active Member
Damsels - roll the dice and see what you get.
For the most part - they are nasty little devils. BUT ....
I have a yellow tail that is cool as can be. Plays well with others, no chasing or nipping and is a nice addition to the tank. It's the only damsel in this tank.
On the other hand ... I have a single blue devil in another tank that lives up to it's name.
Mean little S.O.B.
Going to take it back to lfs one of these days for a whopping $2.00 credit :p
yellowtails are peaceful but if threatened can be mean. all damsels from the indo pacific are usually mean. the fiji blue damsel from the south pacific is one of the meanest.


I have two neon damsels and they usually can be found chasing my two clown fish. One of the damsels is more aggressive then the other and rules the tank.


Active Member
I have a 3 stripe and he killed another fish. He is so fast I can't catch him, any ideas? I even tried at night, pitch black, it seems he has ESP or somthing.


doe, i think that ur domino has established a territory like mine has done before you need to TRY to catch him which might take some serious time but once you do put him in a pot (not one where he cannot she hisself because this will cause some stress to him this is what i read in a book) or bucket for about 30 minutes and this should confuse him and he wont be able to tell where his old territory was but if u cant catch him just keep on tryin to in his territory and he will soon pick another spot this is what i had to do with mine 2 times already but it was probably a year before he claimed another spot again