Damsels and clowns how compatible are they?



I currently have 8 damsels i have used to help cycle my 125g. I am interested in getting a clown. My question is will the damsels pick on my clown or will the clown hold his own. I was told the maroon clowns are the more agressive ones is this true or are the tomatos just as aggressive.


Active Member
probably the ONLY clown that will hold it's own in there is a maroon clown, and only if bigger.
you should really get rid of all of those damsels...

small triggers

Active Member
thats about the only thing you could put in your tank with the damsels,, that would be a very boring tank. I agree with everyone else GET RID OF THE DAMSELS. depending on what kind you have you could probably keep a yellowtail but other than that, unless you plan on only have a very agressive damsel tank, they arent worth keeping.