damsels and clowns


i currently have 4 damsels , 2 green chromis and 2 yellow tail blues , and would like to add 1 or 2 clowns is that posible or do i have to find a new home for the damsels? or can i put the damsels in my qt for a bit and put them back in my dt after the clowns?


Originally Posted by wcroft987
i currently have 4 damsels , 2 green chromis and 2 yellow tail blues , and would like to add 1 or 2 clowns is that posible or do i have to find a new home for the damsels? or can i put the damsels in my qt for a bit and put them back in my dt after the clowns?
if you want a clown go with one of the more aggresive species...so stay away from percs and ocellaris (they're peaceful lil angels generally speaking) I'd go with a tomato or a maroon. All of these fish are closely related, so just go with one of the more aggresive clowns and you'll be fine. how large is your tank btw? This will also impact on whether or not to get two of a tomato or maroon as well (unless you know for sure they're paired)


my damsels never touched my false perc:cheer: but maybe i got lucky cuase they killed every thing else


Originally Posted by wcroft987
i have a 55 and the damsels i do have are smaller about an 1 to 1 and a half inchs
size doesn't matter with damsels haha
I used to have 3x 1" blue devils. Eventually there was only one because they killed each other in bloody murder. Now I run a 125 g tank. One 1" damsel in the entire tank and it didn't matter what I put in there, the damsel would either pick at it until it died or never let the other fish be in peace. He even picked on my 6" naso... Eventually I got so tired of this little 3 dollar fish killing all my fish that I fished him out of the tank and stuck him in my qt. After a few days I took him to my pet store.


I have 4 damsels in a 55 gallon with a pair of Clarkii's. I got the damsels with the tank and didn't want to dump them at the LFS and the clarkii's were too large to stay any longer in the QT so I thought I would give it a shot and everyone established their territories. The yellow tails are the lowest on the pecking order, then the three stripes, and the clowns rule the tank. When the clowns are playing and venture away from their anemone, the stripes stay out and stay out of their way but the yellow tails hide. I have had no fighting at all. Honestly, I have really enjoyed watching this tank more than any of the others.