Damsels and cowfish?


New Member
I would like to cycle my 50 gallon tank with 2 damsels. When it is done cycling, I would like to get a cowfish. Will the damsels pick on the cowfish? I am also considering a porcupine puffer. The dude at the lfs said damsels and puffers are o.k. together but I would like a second opinion.


this is confusing i had three velvet damsles two died i got a cowfish that is no longer with us :(
but my last velvet damsel kinda bonded with each other but then i got a lion fish that killed my cowfish <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
witch will be going back to the local fish store fridaymine did ok but you have two they might bug him maybe not
but remember they can relese posin in to the tank that will wip out your whole tank then you have to start over


Active Member
cowfish WILL poison your tank if they are messed with, and damsels being the fish that they are will probably mess with the cowfish. They IMO should be kept in their own tank outta the main stream flow of your houses traffic.