Damsels are too smart!!


Does anyone have any ideas on how to catch some damsels with out tearing apart the tank. For the last 3 hours I have had the pop bottle trap sitting in the tank and the damsels won't even go near it. I was made sure that I didn't feed the tank today so they would be hungry. I put some food in the trap and they won't go anywhere near it!!
I am really starting to get frustrated because they are tormenting my new hippo tang to the point that it is laying on a rock and wont move. I can tell he is extremely stressed because his gills are moving like 90 miles an hour.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.


I'm having the same issues. I've spent about 6 long hours in the last two weeks trying to catch them... No luck.. Guess that's what I get for having 150lbs of live rock for them to bolt into.


Those traps are a waste of time because fish really need to get used to them so it could take weeks for them to be "Ok" with it. What I usually do with damsels since they are not shy at all and feed while ur right ontop of the tank. As they go up for the food just scoop them out while they are feeding, but you really have to be super quick. Another way to do it is to go in after a couple hours after lights out, and go in with a tiny pen flashlight. You usually can get them this way because they are lathargic.


Active Member
When I had my fish only tanks, we actually left the fish net in the top ofthe tank so that they got used to seeing it, after a week, the little brat came up for food and "Bam" got him...


When they got monsterous......like the domino. I just take them back to my LFS for a nice hefty store credit.
Lol I practically live there, they except any fish I give them because they know the fish I own are great and disease free.They normally put them in their show tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by king4345
I just buy something big enough to EAT THEM!!!!

what happens when you need something big enough to eat the thing you put in to eat the other thing


i dont know why everyone hates damsels i love mine i have a yellowtail that just keeps to himself never seen him bother another fish or coral in my tank, i think my royal gramma is worse then my damsel.


Active Member
depends on the damsils but id say most are evil lol
i had them in my old tank and i had to tear it apart to get them out now there are no more damsils in my new 180
the only one that was good was my electric blue one my domino was huge and evil my 3 striped was huge and evil and my 2 yellow tails were an item and they protected there rock fiercely


Active Member
I always pass by the "wall-o-damsels" as I call it in the LFS. They always follow fingers across the glass and everytime I can picture them schooling together and completely shredding any innocent fish or my finger when I reach in to move the rocks around. Pretty little buggers, but they even look meaner than all hell.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
When I had my fish only tanks, we actually left the fish net in the top ofthe tank so that they got used to seeing it, after a week, the little brat came up for food and "Bam" got him...
Just did this last week left the net in for about 3 days put some food in while he was eating got him.


Active Member
Well I had been saying for awhile now that my dominos leave the tankmates alone after they get harassed for a day or two after being introduced. That is no longer true. The dominos seem to be getting more and more agressive towards everyone. They have scared my yellow watchman back into the overflow box. My clowns and blenny have some nips on their fins. Tonight, the dominos HAVE to go! I plan to spend as much time as it takes. I wish I had a mini

gun but I don't so I guess I will try all the usual methods...net while feeding with lights on and / or off, hook method, take rocks out, ...
Going to be a pain but has to be done!


Active Member

Originally Posted by mrdc
Well I had been saying for awhile now that my dominos leave the tankmates alone after they get harassed for a day or two after being introduced. That is no longer true. The dominos seem to be getting more and more agressive towards everyone. They have scared my yellow watchman back into the overflow box. My clowns and blenny have some nips on their fins. Tonight, the dominos HAVE to go! I plan to spend as much time as it takes. I wish I had a mini

but I don't so I guess I will try all the usual methods...net while feeding with lights on and / or off, hook method, take rocks out, ...
Going to be a pain but has to be done!
actually..... a needle with paper towel through the hole in a straw does work as a mini

gun ......JME


Active Member

Originally Posted by mrdc
Well I had been saying for awhile now that my dominos leave the tankmates alone after they get harassed for a day or two after being introduced. That is no longer true. The dominos seem to be getting more and more agressive towards everyone. They have scared my yellow watchman back into the overflow box. My clowns and blenny have some nips on their fins. Tonight, the dominos HAVE to go! I plan to spend as much time as it takes. I wish I had a mini

but I don't so I guess I will try all the usual methods...net while feeding with lights on and / or off, hook method, take rocks out, ...
Going to be a pain but has to be done!
actually..... a needle with paper towel through the hole in a straw does work as a mini

gun ......JME
not through the hole...behind it


Active Member
Hopefully it won't come to that. I have three people coming over to help so hopefully we can trap the dominos. Braking the rocks down is my last resort since I recently did that I really like my current setup. The damsels just seem to know when I am after them!


may i suggest a volitan lion. Very entertaining in a sick and twisted way to watch the lion stalk down the damsels.


Active Member
Would be a great idea if I didn't want to lose my other fish in the process
Those are the ones that I am trying to protect