Damsels can host anemones?


I was at one of my LFS talking with their salt water guy (very knowledgable, you should see his coral tanks... WOW) about how my anemone killed 3 of 4 fish in my tank, and he mentioned that in rare occassions damsels can host some anemones. Has anyone else heard of this? My two damsels obviously weren't able too and both of them kept hitting it and soon died
My poor flame hawkfish died as well, but had no sting markings. We weren't able to completely narrow down his problem.
Tank specs -
nitrate/nitrite - 0
Amm. - 0
ph - 8.0
SG - 1.023-1.024


Staff member
Yes I have heard and seen it. Damsels and clownfish are in the same family.
On occasion damsels will seek refuge in anemones also.
Animal world also reports this comensal relationship.


Three spot damsels (Dascyllus trimaculatus), are known to host carpet anemones. Alf Nilson wrote an article giving a description of how he would stock a tank around the carpet anemones. What kind of anemone do you have? If you center your tank around your anemone and only stock it with animals from the same region, you may avoid as many eaten fish problems. just my .02


Its a long tip anemone. I was told its most likely a Caribbean species and not the pacific. Its a deep purple though and was very clingy when I was holding it in place to get it to take a foot hold. The LFS guy said that sounded like the Caribbean.


Long Tentacle Anemone
Macrodactyla doreensis
The Purple Long Tentacle is a color variation of the Macrodactyla doreensis, long tentacle anemone. The foot of the base is almost always bright red or orange.They are hardy if kept under moderately good lighting, power compacts or better. Accepted by Clarki, Maroon, Sebae, Tomato, and Skunk clowns.
Sound about right??
I would get a pair of Sebaes and then build a Caribbean atmosphere around it


Although upon further inspeciton this anemone seems to occur only in the indo-pacific. The clowns I reccomended are as well. I'm not saying that there cant be a Caribbean species I just cant seem to find reports of it. Diver photos, though not as vivid as above, show anems with greem base and purple tentacles, the foot being orange.


I personally don't know, I assumed it was a pacific as well. It very well could be. If I got a pair of Sebae's would they fight my false perc already in the tank? He doesn't go anywhere near the 'nem as it is, but I've heard of the nasty tempers Clowns get with their hosts.


Well I'm not going to lie to you, but I'm pretty sure the perc will not mess with the Sebae clowns, but I'm not sure about the other way around... From what I have heard and understood clowns can be kept together eaisly, but I've never mixed clowns myself. Sebae's arent all that aggressive either, so who knows?? BTW what size is ur tank?


my perc is a small fry, I'm worried about the others picking on him!
Its 30 gallons, which may be too small for 2 different types of clowns. Unless I can find a pair of sebaes that are the same size as my current clown