damsels types in same tank


New Member
I need some good information on damsels, I have 1 lemon damsel,1 yellow fin damsel, and 1 domino damsel in the same tank, I had been told a fish store that you keep different types of damsels in the same tank but not members of the same type,I was told at a different fish store the exact opposite, so I am somewhat confused about group these fish. Thank for any information anyone can furnish


From my experience, Damsels of the same type will fight somewhat by overall, get along. Damsels are just a scrappy fish. My friend had trouble with mixing damsels of different types. I'd pick a species and stick with it. Just my 2 cents. :D


In my tank I have 2 Lemon damsels a four stripred damsel and a green chromis and they all get along. I think the key to damsels is to have enough room otherwise they get very territorial.


The one thing I forgot to mention is that certain damsels are more aggressive than others. The domino is one of the most aggressive and most of the blue ones are very aggressive with the exception of the blue chromis. The chromis are the most mellow of the damsels. But the chromis like to be in groups I plan on adding more to my tank


I agree with CB. Most damsels are very territorial and agressive once they get estanblished, My Friends Dominos ganged up on his panther Grouper and his Humu Trigger fish and killed them both surprisingly. He hates them soo much he even bought a 20 Gallon to put them into with a mantis shrimp so he could feed them to it. The Blue and Green Chromis are very peacefull though and they are also a schooling fish.


I saw lots of damsels in the same tank but they were all same sp. I saw around 30 blue damsel in one tank, yellow tail in one tank, domino in one tank and 3 stripe in one tank...i think they do fine in schools


Not all damsels do good in schools were the tanks you saw so many in together in a lfs?


Active Member
LFS are notorious for breaking all of the compatability rules. Don't go w/ what you see in LFS. CHromis and blue yellow tail are usually ok in schools. Rest are best as loners.


Actually it is not excectly a lfs, he is doing this as a hobby but also sets up extreamly big marine tanks for hotels and restaurants... i saw 1000s of underwater pics and all the damsels very schooling expecially dominos, also i think three stripe damsels use their stripes for this too as zebras

sinner's girl

we've always mixed damsels but never had more than one of the same type. didn't have a problem in the 20gl.
had two, a black and white striped and purple with yellow tail (died) in 55gl, they got along from what I saw.